This is a Chill piece with a jazzy twist. It's cool, but also has drive. Take it for a spin.

Everyone deserves A New Beginning. It happens to everything in Nature every year at about this time. It can happen to you too, right now! Listen…and begin anew...

Courage does not necessarily mean action or engagement. In fact, it begins with a heightened awareness and watchfulness. There are three aspects of courage: a single-minded focus on achieving the best outcome, the ability to perceive what role (if any) you are being asked to play to bring that about, and a readiness to act when called upon. One might say that courage is service above self but, more correctly, it is the merging of self and purpose - so that there is no distinction between the two. When that happens, your entire being becomes a presence or a node through which reality manifests. 

Stream and Download - Nothing Less Than Everything